Saturday 6 July 2024

Cooking tips (on a very general level)

 From my blog which also otherwise is very good for softening life with the help of advices on a very general level. 

 " "Better tasting from the same food

When you cook food or estimate the amounts of it's substances, and if you have earlier cooked the same or something quite like it, then you have an emotionally felt estimate of when it is fried or with which amounts of substances, it would have been at it's best or just as certain type at it's best. And when you take  to be your guidelines those emotionally felt estimates about time lenghts, cookedness, amounts of food substancies, about which elements fit well together, etc, then with the same amount of labour, time, money and foods you get better food.

Likeise if you have skills in other skills, ten rythming your actions according to emotionally felt estimates you can reac your best."

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20.8.2018   I add here another cooking tip that is good for skills at large:

"264. If one does something in rigid ways as if work all the time, one's understanding does not develop into as good as via more complex rich ways of doing even the same work, much less than life skills at large would give. That is why it would be good to instead of a very detailedly followed single perspective, give room for a taste of life, for one to see where one is going and for skills to develop. So for example when moving food while cooking it one would not mix it to completely even but instead leave it more uneven, so as to have in sight some of how one worked, so that one can then notice that if I would have for example cooked thicker, would the taste and feel have been better, so that there is a richness of options in sight and one can see where in it would be good, so that one learns all the time new things, even if otherwise one would not have learned anything else otherwise than remembering past times and comparing to them in one's memory, but at those time maybe one needed different amount of different kind of food because od´f different things done, weather etc." 

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Something about vegetarian foods etc, at 

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" A64.   Of eating a good basic advice that makes one feel well and stay healthy, without any problems related to foods, is to eat fresh good quality food according to the food circle which says that you should at every meal eat at least something of each of the five groups of types of food, but how much of each food, that must be determined by how you feel that you would feel well for the next few hours and be healthy in the long run too: 1. fruits, vegetable & berries, 2. meat, chicken, fish, soya and some types of nuts, 3. wheat products, like musli, bread, (propably?? also pasta, potatoes and rise), 4. milk products, and 5. butter, oils and the like. "
From my Christmas gnome skills text .

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