Saturday 6 July 2024

Bird's tail


The text continues somewhat at 

"The charm of capercaillie 

 I have wondered since when have things in my lufe, in Finland and in the workd seemed to go more toward death. I do not know but I once in Savonlinna painted from a photogeapf of a fine mostly black or blackish bit Finnish bird with a fine round kind of emotionally nice looking tail, a picture of it over 6 years later, I do not remember when. The painting went nicely detaikedly but somehow the tail went narrow like tgat of a female bird, saying that the male bird in the picture had dued already earlier. So I think that that was somehow some turning point, since I haven't seen so msny fine wild animals so near, at least not so big ones and in the nature. 

"G27.   2nd of February 2021    Over ten years ago I had just started on a wilderness guide course in Nuuksio national park and recreational lake&forest district, when I on my free time went for a walk in the forest and immediately saw a capercaillie? ("metso"), a huge mainly black bird that has a fan like emotionally wise looking tale, ona branch in it's spring dating ways.


A few days later I was walking in the forest near a lake when I saw a huge human sized eagle fly near by and it seemed to land somewhere near, but I got afraud and after that I did not see such animals at all. It seems that if one invests strongly in something that one loves and it is just fascination and nothing artiuficial, not acted, one can meet such in others too, like for example loving the wildlife and nature. Years ago I started a karate hobby after another Japanse martial art, and I wanted to invest in it, do  it in a good way, do something seriously, and so I found such a club AND JUST LOVED IT, it was kind of as in a flight, but then later when my mom was convinced that just the club was special, I lost my good touch with it and soon lost the hobby too. Nawadays my poodle Banjo has had good subjects for blogging, kind of hobby, and today morning I looked out of the window here in Espoo where I have lived now for a week, and there was a dark figure like a big dog galloping slowly at an angle across the street, and my poodle said of the style that it was a wolf, and it seemed to be interested in my poodle'shobby. "D (1/8 note), D&F (half note), G (1/4), A (1/2), E (1/4), D (1/2), E&G (1/2), A (1/8), G (1/2), E (1/8), D (1/4) and E&G (1/2)."

But somehow, when I once some years ago saw in the news a picture of a new much increased species by the sea cost, cormorant. It was called as if a sea version of the fibe caoercsillue, was it my pets saying that I coukd teach them the fine tail of capercaillie. Today I watched such pucture in the news and came to think that if they come hete to the sea coast's small stony islands, they maybe can see the coast cluffs, ghe pine trees on them snd the tall geasses etc on them, and those have some charm, some way of living emphasizing rationality luke the cliffs in connection with the round more lufe like forms of the trees, life there, the round forns of the cluffs etc all having some wisdom of lufe according to feelings. And when you live there, leave tgat ages old wisdom untouched, don't spoil the fracturelessness of the nature. Just experience like weeds in the liw water by the sjore waving by the waves, variations of wind, occasilnal duck type of bird swimming near by, life experience changing from moment to moment, full of densatilbs and colours, 

- as if a human (some impression of some Japanese woman in some Haoanese office or other working place, havibg similar experience of beauty of some view of mine from my younger years when I as a young adult practiced Japanese martial art(s?), and here compared with a view of the above mentioned cool sea cost in daylight ) in town lookibg around and the whole world of a dazzling besuty, volourful spits, sensatilns, beautiful forms, wisdom of different areas of lufe in the air, freedom of young adults, like spirts, weather, new places to go and see but the wisdomvaluable, carrying life possibilitues in the guture too,... -

Living in a way that sees the beauty of life in the livibg, in nature, in a place and culture where the ways of livibg are wise and the challenges set by westhers are of a gwalthy kibd, increasing wisdom, and so one is ki d of charmed of such true good sides, even if obe is just a oasser by or a bird visiting only the stony sea cost small islands for spendibg the summer. Ghe magnifience of the big geese rising to their wings to start autumn migration to southwards soon over the sea. 


Taking such wisdom of lufe, such wise views and such good ways of living as one's identity, kibd of as if a culture that one us fond of, suppirts, as if a liked hobby things of that kibd, maybe would make one as if with a wide round tail like that of capercaillue, but in the coloyes of tge areas of lufe that one lijes and favours. Kibd of lufe according to deelibgs, gaving wisdom which suppirts such and kniwing from where and how to lwarn such, that would be. 

Like, if the cormorant tried to learn this way, it maybe would have some slightly bluish grey on it's sides, kind of to refer to the cluffs seen without visiting and to the work-likedness of tge northern view. So as a result it would have a reference to the northern wisdom of lufe and so as a consequence a possibility to have such wisdom of lufe (there are fine famous books to learn such from, at least kind of spiritual books from usa) as a hobby that is always or at least quite often along, if obe tends to like such and talk of such, kind of be fobd of being that type of person, living that kind of lufe, having wise enough values supporting that kind of lufe in the midern world. 

(2nd of July 2024   Correcting some misunderstanding about applying or arranging this kind of possibilitues see )

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The blog pist said June 8th 2013.

If the times are no longer so dominated by engineering's point of view as in the 1970's, 1980's and 1990's, could there be also some other colours for the wisdom of feelings than the suspicious black? 

" Static life experience is different from rowing boat, reactive sports, etc 

 In my text about the charm of capercaillie , I tried to describe a northern summer like experience of nature. It was in connectiln with the merimetso birds having conquered small stony island at Finland's coast, and typical to those new birds is that they do not leave the nature untouched. There sre too many of them, they do not folliw local ways and they raise their young, so they create just an awful mess and nothibg much of the original is left, maybe only some dirtied cliffs and tree that has suffered a lot. So I tried to figure out how such a nature experience is possible. And so I thought of watching the shore or a local wild bird swimming near it, but in tgat it is essential that the experience of lufe is of life in the living, for example of shore's low waters, and of untouched nature, not a garden only. So it could be in other countries too, also in very different climates. But static view of nature or bicyclibg by isn't the point. That has much too little personal variations. Also the suggested road like curving bridge near shore cliffs in Helsinki, in today news , does not sound lije giving this kibd of view at all. Besides it does not have tge feel of wild nature, if it is surrounded largely or fully by bridge or other buikd things. So a small light boat with a small engine, could be much better for such sightseeing, even if it has a roof, but there ought to be shore weeds too. For example a nose like landform near a build walkibg road straight to the sea would be better than bridge but not good enough, not so strongly experienced, not bringing so much personally meanibgful wisdom of lufe and lufe experiences. Like swimming on a natural shore maybe would be if you lije just that clinate, culture and nature, are impressed by their wisdom of life. For example a rocky shore walkroad there plys a swimming sand shore near by. 

The article had unusual kind of persons in an interview, was it Chinese? Those claimed something much against local traditional values, just lued as if it had been a memorised song instead of a landscape like picture of the world, kind of lying that way the whoke situation, which is very much agaibst the usual efucated picture of the world wiyh on's own observatilns from daily lufe and common sense olus wisdom of lufe alobg. 

Life sings if it works well in some sense. So songs are often compised about some well working life tgat suits many, and it really is a way to get some idea of such well workibg ways of doing. So one can on one's own too choose something of the kibd and often it carries lufe quite well, but of course us sonebody else's version, so it is good if one knows several good songs and has lufe skills of one's own, lufe experience too. And a singer too has one's own view of good lufe, well workibg ways of doing, some wisdom of lufe, values, social styles and interests and groups to belong to. So songs kind of contain glimpses of solution of others of how to get lufe to work out well. So songs' positive effects are not based on lues but instead in there being somethkng valuable wisdom in them, even tjough of varied kibds, sometines well ubderstood and sometimes judt fun or interest in old valued songs of others. 


7th of July 2024   Just an association to the smaller rowing boats, in the news today 


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