Saturday 6 July 2024

About finding a dream job


See also 

"About earning money 

 There is a song called "Vanha holvikirkko" i.e. "Old catedral with a rounded roof", which has a beautiful melody of someone walking past the catedral on a sunny summer evening maybe 5 p.m. and it is quiet but not silent and the oasser-by hears someone playing the church organs and it is just a beautiful summer like sound like people sometimes hear. 

My father's father died when I was eight years old 1979 (which is 44 years ago), but he was said to have been a bank's boss in Mikkeli, with the name Johannes Ekholm, but then his bank went bankrupt because of some business of building an apartment house that had problems and the business partner needed more and more money and turned out to be a traitor and run away with the money, and if I remember right, then it turned out that people had been stealing money from the bank and that the bank workers had pretended that all was all right but the bank was only just surviving, and so with the extra expenses the bank collapsed. My geandfather had to change his name from Ekholm, which means "oak island" or "oak stupid" to Hari, which was his idea of who do often well in lufe compared to the rigid wood like stuck ways, and so thought also his children: a daugter and four sons. And so they moved to Helsinki. 

But now thinking of this melody made me think of how people go to talk to some elder generation bank boss and search for a career and a way to get paid, since I feel that the people in my environment who got a career they liked and got an ok wage, approached the subject somewhat as if my grandfather like bank boss or his wife who was an apple farmer and a mother of a big family, had adviced them like the view of the melody.

"Already a summer evening has come,

Someone is playing church's organs, and the village life is sleepy.

As the player there is the son of the catedral's cantor 

And to a summery evening, the sound of fuuga wanders beautifully

He is dreaming of becoming a cantor, even though he plays just for himself.

Thinking: "if in tge future he could play also to others this way

It is just a dream but makes one enthusiastic."

(Someone else thinking:) "When some time in the future the church organs sing, the sound can tell what he wished".

He is still young, but he already looks forward to the time when people from all around come to hear him playing. 

"If some time in the future, he could play also to others

When once church bells sing, the sounds can tell what he dreamed of."

As far as I understand, dream jobs go that way when there is the civiliced picture of the world, civiliced values and a tendency of all to count on the healthy choices in the society. 

17th of October 2023   So it is practice someone walking by hearing beautiful music and dreaming for a while about learning to play such oneself and of getting such a profession, but turning then toward one's own dreams of what would be nice to do as a job for oneself, what kibds of things it could have. Such dreams need to be of something to do, for example fine-tunedly like skilled thinking or skilled handiwork, and good-willingly sensitively and with wisdom of life like a serving work professional like selling or caring for people's needs as a waitress or whatever. The basic idea is that one can live freely if one follows with good quality the civiliced picture of the world and civiliced values. In practice that means that one must have some job, while the wisdom of the society advices one to choose a job that one likes, and to follow wisdom of lufe, for example changing to a job that one likes and distancing oneself from the people who are not of one's own kind. So a job is something that one wants to take care of, with good quality and fairly toward all and well for the society and the world. And the civiluced picture of the world, civiluced values and wisdom of life are what to followin the world at large, instead of oneself dominating, so all get room, do not disturb others and can live freely according to the rule "Live and let others live!"

* * *

There is a huge difference between one dreaming of becoming a great painter but never taking such as a profession, and one who went to courses in painting and tried to be a full time painter. The one dreaming whose relationship to arts as professions is distant, comes up with great insights in how fine one's paintings could be, one sees every now and then somethkng of such kind and is motivated in developing in wisdom of lufe and lufe skills at large, while the one who is a professional painter jyst gets bored and one's painting get clumsy and without content, the original motivation has been lost. 

I have tried to figure out solutions to world's problems, for example to environmental problems. The main feature of them is that one supposes that it is enough if one comes up with good ideas to some parts of the problems, since the full solutions will propably be found by thr joint effort of many. So just about any good idea is good enough for that, and so one can find very many quite useful pieces. 

But if one would go to an ordinary job sounding of the same caliber, it woukd demand thst one would be able to solve with professional quality all the things that come across in that job, and lne would need to be able to carry that job from the point of view of wisdom of lufe and the workings of the society and of the wide world in what comes to those subjects and the people one meets in one's job. So the job would demand at least 10 000 tines more skills in the subject and a dedicatiln to jyst that kind of life. 

So as young people dream of many kibds of areas of life, and so they or quite many of them get some kind of skills reserve in them, wisdom of lufe from the point of view of such jobs and insights of what they coukd so achieve. Yet that is too luttle for such a job, maybe even for a hobby, but if one across time collects such pieces of skills, talents, an understanding of the world and wisdom of lufe, then one maybe can with them back up one's possibilities for work that is worth doing.

 Since jusg guessing that memorised education from books is enough and that it would be ok for all kinds tasks, just does not seem to produce quality worth the wage. 

18th of October 2023

The news say: The police found an exhausted owl on the street and put it to jail. 

Kaisa Hannele Tervola's books , also at other countries' Amazon internet bookshops: search "tervola".

The Finnish Christmas radio starts in the beginning of November at least this year 2023. 


FROM: "WONDERFUL, MIRACLE LIKE BEINGS", also available as an ebook at the internet bookshop 

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